Choose Love now available on Amazon
In Choose Love, Heidi Piper shares a set of practices that can help you gracefully transform from surviving to thriving. Each of us has the power to transform our lives, even in the most difficult situations. Through the telling of her own story, Heidi provides both inspiration and practical tips for navigating your transformation. The practices shared in Choose Love lay the foundation for becoming your best self - both as the leader of your personal life and the leader of your organization.

Choose Love is a powerful guide that allows us to navigate through life’s bumps, challenges and heartbreaks. Choose Love shows us how to get back up, get back on the saddle of possibility and start riding through the journey of our life again. It shows us that love is possible, even after a heartbreak and gratitude will always be the doorway to our next best season. Choose Love is a true tool that allows us to live our best life.